Saturday 1 October 2011

"We are 7" Clovelly Photoshoot

Clovelly Estate decided to make an updated version of the famous postcard picture "We are Seven" which features seven donkeys under the arch of the Red Lion Hotel in Clovelly Harbour.
It had to be done at a time when the tide was in and there were not too many people about AND it wasn't raining. That meant we all had to get up before dawn to be ready in time.
It turned out to be a lovely pink dawn giving an amazing glowing light.
Sammy and Pierre thought it was very odd getting their footballs so early !

We had to bring in the donkeys and groom them in the stable where we have lights.
Then we set off down the cobbles - and paused at the fountain for a photo or two.

Jasper, Noah, Kiwi, Bart, Jake, Donk, Eli

Jasper, Kiwi, Donk, Bart, Noah and Eli.
Then on down past Rose Cottage.....

Then to take the photo - the donkeys took  little time to settle into line but were very good about standing by themselves.
We Are Seven 2011
(Bart) Kiwi, Noah, Jake, Donk, Eli and Jasper.
By this time Eli said it was really time for breakfast and Kiwi said she was soooo tired:
So Jasper took an executive decision and led everyone off towards home.
Everyone followed......
Off they go homeward up the Back Road where there is a good nibble of grass along the way.
At the end of the arch there is a big drainage grating that frightens Baby Kiwi - but she was VERY brave and crossed it without trouble. Well done Baby !

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