The start of June was dry and sunny - some warmth at last !

Donk, Toby and Eli shared the photos-in-the-street job. Donk and Toby have special food so it is convenient to take them because they can eat in peace without the other donkeys trying to steal their dinner. Eli is our new donkey and we wanted him to get used to all the fuss and attention. No need to worry - he loves it all !
Toby getting some attention as well as his dinner.
When it is so sunny the donkeys go to sleep after their dinner - just like us they like sunbathing.
Toby likes this spot in the sun but he can go into the shade if he wants to.
Eli has the right idea.
Donk begs for his last dinner at 2.30
Sometimes Toby's friends come round to put him in the frame !
Meanwhile, up in the stables,some of the other donkeys are getting ready to give donkey rides. There's Sinead with her saddle on. Kiwi, the black donkey,and Giffy the mule are dozing in the sun and JakeyTed has sat down on the cobbles! (He often sits there although he has a good bed to lie on in the shed.)
Jasper is also off to give rides......but Charlie has gone to sleep too.
Here are Peter, Kiwi and Charlie asleep in the shed.
Sometimes we leave them the horsebox to play in so that they are not frightened of it.
Charlie likes anything that looks like a new stable.
Giffy just loves travelling !
...and Baby Kiwi likes standing on her log !
Well, we suppose he is comfortable !